Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hey all, i've been having a pretty chill break. Sorry for those who had school lol. Im gonna base my entire blog of a really really interesting movie, so if you plan on watching memento, i suggest you dont read this lol. So Memento is about lenny, who doesnt have short memory. His wife was being attacked and raped, and lenny tries to save her. However, he gets thrown into a mirror, and loses all short term memory after that incident. Basically he cant remember anything past 15 minutes. Even though he doesnt remember anything, he leaves clues, notes, photos to help him remember his issue and his wife. His entire life's purpose is now to find the murderer of his wife. Even though he wont remember him killing the man, thats all he does now. The movie acutally goes in reverse chronological order, so you see the last thing that happens. It's kinda like a puzzle b/c you try and figure out who to believe, what acutally happened. Now here's the spoiler, the last thing that happens, or the first scene, is him killing who he thinks is the real murderer. The last scene, as in the firs tthing that happens, is that he acutally killed the man a long time ago. But since he knows he wont remember antyhing he takes advantage of that and gives himself fake clues to just keep killing more supposed murderers to give his life meaning.

It was a shocking ending to me, to see how much you deceive yourself, stray away from truth, just to find a pseudo purpose in life. That might seem like a hyperbole for society, and what they're looking for, but i dont neccessarily think thats true. So many people are seeking these phantoms and ghosts that are so unbelievably unachievable. Parents pushing their kids to Harvard, stalkers, athletes using steriods, etc etc. I mean really, lenny faking a life isnt that far fetched to alot of people. So then we have to ask ourselves, what the difference b/w lenny and christians? Lenny's chasing someone that doesnt exist anymore, we're looking for something that can't be physically seen or heard or touched. So then what's the biggest difference because to Lenny, his own purpose at the end of the day feels just as real or even more real then our own purpose. The biggest difference is absolute truth. Period. Becuase really, if we didnt have the absolute truth that there is a God, and that he sent his only Son to die on a cross for our sins, if that isnt true, we're undoubtedly Lenny. But since we do have truth, we can continue to progress is whatever plan God does have for each and everyone of us because we know there will be consequence in what we do or do not do. We dont live our lives just for our own satisfaction, because then once we hit a rough patch we should just give up. But we dont, we perservere.

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