Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the world

I'm just gonna put it out there, that the world is just really really messed up.
For some reason, today just pointed that even more. Every tv show i flip to, every website i click on is just filled with sin. Sometimes i just really look foward to the end of the week, to peace.
anywho, i was reading a lot of psalms lately, and i noticed that a lot of the ones in like 25-35 is about the enemy or non believers. It talks a lot about how the enemy may receive rewards now and the victory on earth, but when its all said and done, "Evil shall slay teh wicked, and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned. The lord redeems the soul of His servants, and noe of those who trust in Him shalled be condemned."
You know, these dog days are the times that really wanna make you try and imagine what heaven's like. I think for like a second, and past that i realize its futile. Sometimes i try and think of the most deepest emotions i've ever felt, and go from there, but i know it cant compare.
I'll probably turn around and find myself at 50 saying the same thing. Hopefully time can go a little faster here where it doesnt feel right, and i'll see myself in a place where i should be.

1 comment:

Stephen Kim said...

Thank you for the blog. You shared my sentiments today. Man, do I look forward to the day when we won't have to "imagine" anymore. Christ will be face to face. Keep writing!