Friday, November 21, 2008

may the words of my mouth and hte meditation of my heart

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. O lord, my strength and my Redeemer" -Psalm 19:14

Whenever i hear those words i think of a son looking at his father in expectation. I can picture a son telling his father of what he did, his grades at school or maybe how he did in his little league baseball game, and the father pats him on the back and says good job my son; the son then gleams with joy. All we have to do now is transcend that around 100 times greater and there we have our meeting with our heavenly father. It's so hard sometimes to imagine that because we, or at least I, immediately think of my own father or some other fatherly figure. Maybe its just our own imperfect nature that constantly puts us down because we just reflect on our weeks and realize how little we do, or in some cases how much wrong we do. I get down on myself thinking how much i disappoint God but at the same time, the book that's in front of me is giving me God's encouragement personally, individually. God is TELLING me, Jonathan Lee, draw near to me and i will draw near to you, or cast all your care upon him, for He cares for you" Those are the words of MY father. I just wish that at the end of all this, God my father can say to me, the words of your mouth, the meditations of your heart, the works you have done for me, and the life you have lived is pleasing to me, my good and faithful son and servant. Amen?


Stephen Kim said...

Yeah. Absolutely.

The desire to of our hearts...we yearn to be pleasing unto Him who gave Himself for us.

Unknown said...

when in the presence of our God that faithful day, that is what i long to hear...
"well done my good and faithful son and servant"

stay victorious this week J~
God bless u